How we have helped

View success stories of how we have helped people in Northern Ireland.

We have helped thousands of consumers in Northern Ireland through our complaints handling and advice service and have returned millions of pounds to the pockets of local people. 

From airline compensation refunds to fixing electricity or water bill issues. Take a look at our case studies below to see how we could help you too.

33 success stories available
    • Transport

    €1600 compensation for flight disruption


    After seeing our advertising in Belfast City Airport, a consumer sent us details of a flight cancellation/re-schedule by Ryanair back in August 2019, including a copy of his EU claim form. 

    Ryanair ignored all requests for compensation and did not respond to his claim through the small claims court. The reason given for no compensation was extraordinary circumstances due to a pilots' strike.


    We carried out research and found out that the High Court had agreed with The Civil Aviation Authority’s interpretation of legislation.

    Ryanair could not class flight disruption due to a strike by their own pilots as an exceptional circumstance. Ryanair had been told to pay out compensation. Therefore we agreed to assist the family and we raised a formal complaint on the family’s behalf.


    As a result of our assistance, Ryanair agreed to pay €400 compensation per passenger in compensation, totalling €1600 for the family.

    • Energy

    Unable to top up gas after switching supplier


    A consumer was having difficulty with their Natural Gas supplier. They had recently switched and were unable to top up their meter leaving the consumer without gas. 

    Unfortunately, the supplier failed to take the necessary action with the gas distribution company to resolve the issue. As a result the consumer was without gas for longer than necessary.


    We contacted Phoenix Natural Gas on the consumer's behalf. 


    The consumer’s meter was fixed that day, restoring heat to their home. 

    With further investigation, we also obtained compensation for the consumer from her supplier for the customer service failings encountered.

  • Private parking charge notice wrongly issued*


    A consumer received a Private Parking Charge for Tim Horton’s car park in Coleraine. The PCN had been issued for overstaying the 60 minute time limit. 

    However, the time limit as per the car park signage was actually 2 hours and therefore the PCN had been issued incorrectly.


    We contacted the private parking company and appealed the PCN on behalf of the consumer.


    The PCN was cancelled and the consumer did not have to pay.

  • Wrong car on a private parking charge*


    A consumer received a private parking charge from a private parking company. 

    This parking charge contained an image of the consumer’s car entering the car park in question but presented an entirely different car leaving the car park.


    We contacted the parking company and appealed the parking charge. 


    We were successful in our appeal and had the parking charge cancelled. The consumer was extremely happy with the outcome and praised our services.

    • Transport

    Translink drop off point reinstalled


    A consumer travelling to Belfast by bus noticed there was a large distance between drop off points in the city centre. 


    We contacted Translink regarding the consumer's concerns explaining that there was a large gap between drop off points and stops.


    Translink looked into the issue and reinstalled the drop off point. 

    • Energy

    Electric bill in arrears


    A consumer queried their high electricity usage as their bill always seemed to be in arrears and they could not understand how the usage was so high.


    We contacted the supplier directly and got 24 months history of the consumers bills. 

    When we reviewed the bills we noticed the consumer had been underpaying for their usage for a number of months. The supplier also failed to set up the consumer's direct debit.


    The supplier fixed the issue and as a gesture of goodwill, the supplier gave the consumer a £50 credit voucher and set up a new payment plan.

    • Water

    Business water bill was too expensive


    A local business got in touch regarding their water bill. The property's water bill was unmeasured meaning their water bill was based on the Net Annual Value (NAV) of the property resulting in higher costs for their usage.


    We contacted Northern Ireland Water and arranged for a number of investigations to be completed.


    Northern Ireland Water installed a meter at the property and refunded the bill amount to the business. 

    This benefitted not only the business that made the first contact but also various other businesses in the area.

    • Energy

    No home heating for 12 weeks


    A consumer was having gas installed at her home but had been without heat for 12 weeks due to miscommunication.

    This was also having a negative impact on her financial situation.


    We contacted the company in question and successfully had the connection restored.


    The consumer also received a goodwill payment from the company for the impact the error had on her financially.

    • Transport

    Aer Lingus changed a flight


    A consumer's flight from Belfast to London with Aer Lingus had been amended by the airline. 

    The new flight did not suit the consumer and he found it extremely difficult to get in contact with the airline.


    Aer Lingus processed the refund and the consumer was happy with the quick outcome received.


    We contacted Aer Lingus on the consumer’s behalf and received a response on the same day.