Types of complaints we can help you with

  • Billing issues
  • Meter issues
  • Faults not being repaired correctly 
  • Customer service
  • Issues switching suppliers

How the Consumer Council's complaint handling service works

Before you submit a complaint to us, you should have:

  • Logged a formal complaint with your provider
  • Worked with your supplier to resolve the complaint
  • Waited for a response within the supplier's standard response time, which is normally 8-10 days
  • Gathered evidence such as letters or emails about the complaint.

If at this stage, you are unhappy with the outcome, you can submit a complaint to us online, by phone or by email.


Use our complaint handling services

If you have made a complaint to a provider and are unhappy with the response, or didn't receive a response, let us know and we'll do our best to help.

Case studies

How we've helped

We’ve helped thousands of consumers in Northern Ireland, returning millions of pounds to the pockets of local people – from fixing electricity billing issues to problems with customer service.